Claire Droppert

Claire Droppert is a conceptual photographer and visual artist based in The Netherlands. The trademark in her work has a focus on serenity, simplicity and silence. She is drawn to desolate spaces and landscapes. With a minimalistic approach, her work is often recognized by her dreamy, ethereal look. She captures the essence of natural elements in a unique way. Her work has been exhibited in national- and international exhibitions and art fairs in New York, Paris, Munich, Basel, Brussels and Rotterdam and has been featured in publications and international media sites including Huffington Post, Gizmodo, This is Colossal, Wired and ABC News. “Photography is an emotion, I capture visions and create concepts that reflect my deepest thoughts. By adopting this approach, I feel it maximizes emotion and the true meaning within my work, in which I hope to leave a positive, emotional impact that inspires others.”